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Most Anticipated Books 2019 Edition

Writer's picture: DamselDamsel

Here are all the books I can't wait to get my grubby mitts on.

Gentleman Bastard #4: The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch

Release date: maybe this side of never

Thorn of Emberlain has had several release dates, but always managed to get pushed back another year. I know the author moved and has some depression/anxiety, but the last one came out in 2013. How much longer until it joins GoT and Kingkiller Chronicle #3 in the never-being-released brigade? I read the first book in 2016 and the others in ’17. Hopefully the fourth will finally come out this year so I can begin another agonizingly long wait until the next one.

Red Rising #5: Dark Age by Pierce Brown

Release date: July 2019

The Red Rising trilogy ended in a good spot. But the saga has continued and now we’re seeing the aftermath of overthrowing the baddies. The previous book, Iron Gold, introduced new characters, brought back old ones and revealed more plots, betrayals, planets and cliffhangers. I didn't like some of the POVs but I have to see where it goes.

Black Death #2: The Turn of Midnight by Minette Walters

Release date: it’s already out

I read the first book, The Last Hours, almost a year ago and it surprised me so much. It followed the inhabitants of this small city during the first outbreak of the Black Death. Sounds great, I know. But what intrigued me was the lives of these people and how they coped with the fear and uncertainty. All the characters felt very real and Thaddeus, one of the main protagonists, had such a great attitude and command about him. “Great” isn’t how most people would describe him. His get-out-of-here-or-haul-your-own-weight-because-I’m-not-dragging-you-with-me attitude was so refreshing for me.

Thomas Cromwell #3: The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel

Release date: March 2020

I don’t want to see Cromwell’s downfall and ridiculous “trial.” But I'm with him to the end of the line.

Every Garth Nix release

His next book, Angel Mage, is coming out in September and sounds so good. Whenever he announces a new book I’m always excited. I hope I never see the day he lets me down.

What books are you waiting for? Comment and share the agony.

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