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Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame

Writer's picture: DamselDamsel

Year: 2019

Age Range: PG-13

Genre: Superhero

Run time: 3hrs

Special Notes: Watched it in a theater.


If you don't know what this movie is about, you shouldn't even bother reading this.

Spoilers clearly marked.

I cried.

I want to watch it again.

I don’t know how they’re gonna continue. Looking at their upcoming movies I’m only vaguely interested in Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and Guardians, if the latter’s going the way it hinted. I think Endgame ended on a note of finality and if Marvel never made another movie, I’d be okay with that.

The actors pulled out all the stops, each of them delivering their best performance yet. Cap had some especially good bits.

The humor tickled me good.

The middle portion of the story brought the nostalgia and fun. The callbacks and nods made me glad I’d watched just about all the previous movies.

Without spoiling it, the end made me extremely happy, then sad, and then a cocktail of both.

The signatures of the original six in the credits was a nice touch.

When we got home from the theater I felt incredible loss. The last decade of movies and memories had suddenly concluded. I wouldn't look forward to another Marvel movie the same way I had that morning.

How can they continue while forever carrying the scars of their choices? Marvel will never be the same again, and that’s something we’ll just have to accept.


You’ve been warned.

When Cap held Mjölnir, my heart burst with joy. Not literally, but pretty close. If I was the type of person who screams, I’d have screamed.

Fat Thor brought so much to the film. I don’t care what anyone says, he did an excellent job and it added a lot. And as I’ve heard some people say, the cosplays this year will be more accurate.

I don’t know why everyone hates on Ant-Man, ‘cause I really like him and his movies. Since he’s still the new guy within the group, his reactions to past events were adorable.

I haven’t seen the Captain Marvel movie and I don’t think I ever will. Luckily she didn’t have a big part and I could kinda ignore her.

Hawkeye got some much needed attention and he handled it well.

Black Widow’s death, while sad, didn’t hit me hard ‘cause I didn’t really like her. I never thought she was interesting and her upcoming movie is not on my radar.

The whole time travel thing didn’t fully make sense but it sure was fun. Seeing their actions after that shot in the original Avengers when they’re standing over Loki was so weird. They’re standing there and then it’s all “Alright, call the peeps and let’s get this place cleaned up.” They relaxed and then the lackeys came in and it all looked so normal.

I knew Thanos wouldn’t remain dead for the whole movie, but it was satisfying to see Thor lop his head off.

The all-female Avengers thing felt so contrived and lame. Since none of those women have the charisma of any of the men, I don’t think a movie focused on them would work at all.

I was still shaking with excitement over Cap wielding Mjölnir but everyone’s re-entry increased my happiness.

Bucky got the short end of things. No tearful hug between him and Cap and he didn't even get the shield! I don’t dislike Falcon, but come on.

Seeing old Cap and knowing he had the life he wanted from the beginning was bittersweet. We get to see his dance but all the rest is a mystery. We’re looking at his past through a one-way mirror, trying to claw our way in and all we see is our tears. Goodbye Cap, we’ll miss you and your "American ass."

Of course all the major tears came at Tony’s death. I knew someone had to die but watching his sacrifice, funeral and heart floating in the water crushed me completely. He held these movies together in so many places; it’s hard to imagine an MCU without him.

I don’t know what they’re gonna do with all these new timelines, so let’s hope they don’t blow it.

Also, is Thor gonna be in the next Guardians movie? That's something I’d like to see.

In the end I simultaneously loved and hated this movie. It ended well but now I’ll never get these people together again and I’m not happy about it.

I might do an updated review when it gets to my library and I can relive the pain. But for now, RIP MCU. You made us love you 3000.

What are your thoughts on this final Avengers film?

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