Fall. The time of colorful leaves, fading sunlight, brisk mornings, and soft sweaters. Your tastes are changing with the season and as you reach for the next story, your hand comes away empty. But then you see a new shelf stuffed with stories that match the shifting scenery, and your eyes wander across titles until they alight upon the perfect one.
Colorful Leaves
When the first leaf falls, you abandon all summery thoughts and declare that it’s time to buy pumpkins and put on wooly gloves. With the lingering warm afternoons and the bright countryside, it seems the bitter cold is far away.
The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers
This has that quaint Britishness I love. Yes, it’s a murder mystery, but that does’t mean it can’t be cute.
Before watching this tv show I heard it praised as the ultimate fall entertainment. As a skeptic, I doubted those words. Then I watched it. They were right.
Fading Sunlight
The brightness is still strong, but darkness is beginning to creep in and you hasten to lock the doors. What’s out there, lurking in the shadows?
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
I can’t talk about this book objectively because it’s one of the pillars of my reading life. Suffice it to say, this is THE autumn adventure.
The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan
Here is another cornerstone of my formative book years. It’s medieval-esque, with kings and nobles, big battles, daring do, and an elite group of warriors. The stakes are high, and yet humor is still to be had.
There’s something about mysteries that feels fall-ish to me. And Poirot (excellently played by David Suchet) is the quintessential mystery show.
Brisk Mornings
Now that the weather is officially cool, you desire to spend time outside traipsing through damp leaves, climbing mountains, and drinking hot cocoa. But at the end of the day you sit in front of the fire and a melancholy steals over you and settles deep in your bones.
Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
With adventure, magic, defeating the bad guys, and controlling the dead, this is what you need when fall sets in.
Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier
When I first read this book I kinda struggled with my feelings for it and gave it a middling rating. A year later and I’ve decided that I like it now. It’s got just enough spook and suspense to fit in this season. Don’t watch the new adaptation though.
Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
I am experiencing a Harry Potter renaissance right now and it is really fun. Most of the stories start in the autumn and the magic of that season and these stories serve to capture the perfect tone. Also, the third movie is a good cool weather choice.
I watched this movie (for the first time) about a month ago and I’m still thinking about it. The camaraderie and courage of these men on their quest for freedom spoke to me. It does have a depressing end, but that doesn’t diminish the rest of it.
I’m fixing to rewatch this soon because the costumes, music, scenery, storylines and color scheme look like it was created for fall.
The Lord of the Rings
I’m pretty sure everything that can be said about these movies has already been said, so grab your lembas bread, secure your cloak, and enjoy.
Soft Sweaters
It’s cold out now and you crave comfort and safety as you feel Something stalking your every move. Perhaps it would be better if this sweater had a bit of armor.
H. P. Lovecraft stories
I didn’t know I could be genuinely freaked out when reading until I experienced Lovecraft’s short stories. His use of nameless terror is so impressive and unnerving and just what Halloween lovers need.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Is this a clichéd pick? Yes. Is it still the right pick? Yes.
Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories by Washington Irving
I thoroughly enjoyed reading these stories last year and even if they’re not real scary, they still have a little bit of a fright factor. The tv show Sleepy Hollow has some glaring faults but it too is a good option for those foggy evenings.
This is one of my favorite tv shows. The fairytale elements, fun action, intense drama, and friendships are great. And it just looks like an autumn show.
What stories will you pick?