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Songs I Wish Were Books #1

Writer's picture: DamselDamsel

Sometimes you hear a song and think “That’d make a good book.” No? Just me?

Here are some songs I’ve imagined as books. If what I describe matches a book you’ve read, let me know.

The Drinkers by The Trials of Cato

Plot: A man goes drinking across the country having adventures.

It’d be quick, raucous, full of bar fights, and a message saying to take advantage of one's youth. It doesn’t need to be deeper than that. Books these days seem to require high stakes and moral quandaries. Why can’t a book focus on good friendships and fun stories?

The World Ender by Lord Huron

Plot: A man’s family is murdered. He also gets murdered but brought back to life so he can start his hunt.

Forget what I just said about fluffy stories. This is a book that’s all about taking the law into your own hands to avenge the wrongs done to you. Stuff it’d include: full moons, dust, ponchos, vintage cars, cigars, some sort of black bird, gambling, six-shooters and cool voodoo magic.

Redemption Blues by Miracle of Sound

Plot: Spin-off/sequel to the previous book.

This is kinda cheating since this song is inspired by the game Red Dead Redemption and therefor already has an attached story. I don’t care. This song is so good and has a great melody and would go perfectly with the previous story. Maybe the man is seeking atonement for what he did, hoping to find peace and rest after he couldn’t shake the voodoo curse in the first book. It’d have the same ingredients as the first one but with a haunting undertone. Basically I want a cool Western book.

Vagabond by WILD with a smidgeon of Good Company by Bronze Radio Return

Here's one and the other!

Plot: A group of friends take an inordinately long road trip somewhere. It'd be along the lines of Cannery Row by John Steinbeck, but with more reflective moments. Personal drama isn’t at the front, but you get the impression that these friends have gone through stuff.

I don’t read many contemporaries now but sometimes I wanna mix things up and read a story that’s focused on the bonds people have. There’s no world-building, just minimal descriptions with a few choice metaphors/similes and great dialogue. This book would become nostalgic without ever later losing quality. (You know how you read books when you’re younger, reread later and realize it’s not good? This wouldn’t be one of those.)

Aberdeen by Avi Kaplan

Plot: A mystical journey across someplace like Scotland.

It’s such a haunting song with a lyrical melody and rich voice. I don’t know what kind of book it’d be, maybe something along the lines of a travel vlog with lots of mist, coastal cliffs and leather-bound journals. A story that depicts the wonder of finding new places and the wistful memories you have of wrought iron gates leading to overgrown gardens.

Would you read any of these books? What other songs need a paper version?

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