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The Ultimate Book Tag

Writer's picture: DamselDamsel

I’ve combined and deleted some questions. I think the original tag started on YouTube. Here’s a link to it.

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?

I can read maybe two pages before I start feeling sick. I prefer audiobooks in the car.

2. Which author's writing style is completely unique to you and why?

I’m currently reading The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski (here's a link to my latest review) and reveling in his style. He uses dialogue as description and includes tiny details to flesh out his world and it’s amazing. Also John Steinbeck, because he can make a turtle crossing the road intense. And a shoutout to Cormac McCarthy for not using standard punctuation.

3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.

I am proud to say I never wasted time on Twilight. I haven’t read the HP books in over a decade and I know there are other people who could defend it better than me.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what’s in it (besides books…)?

I have a library bag. It stores things to return to the library and I use it as a “shopping bag” when I go to the library.

5. Do you smell your books?

Sometimes. But I don’t give a whiff every time I start reading a book. That’s a bit weird.

6. Books with or without little illustrations?

I love a good map. Other illustrations are fine but not mandatory.

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality writing?

I read way too many Boxcar Children books when I first started reading. I doubt I could get through one today.

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood?

I remember being ridiculously excited to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from my library when it first came out. On cassette tape. It was fatter than the real book. Good times.

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov (49 pages).

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon (1059 pages).

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?

What do you think I’m doing right now? But yes, I do want to be a published author at some point. It might help if I finished my book.

12. When did you get into reading?

I’ve mentioned how I didn’t learn to read until I was ten. And after that I never quit reading.

13. What is your favorite classic book?

I can’t pick just one. Anne of Green Gables and The Red Pony are somewhere at the top.

14. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated...what would you do?

Question how that person knows I like reading but didn’t think to find out what I like reading. And then I’d donate it.

15. What is a lesser known series you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?

There was this duology by Violet Haberdasher called the Knightley Academy that borrowed a lot from HP.

16. What is your favorite word?


17. Vampires, fairies, shapeshifters, angels, spirits, werewolves or zombies?

Vampires? Dracula turned out better than I expected.

18. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?

Forbidden love.

19. Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?

*shouts into a megaphone* ACTION!

Have you done this tag? Share some of your answers below.

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