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TV Review: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Writer's picture: DamselDamsel

Year: 2009-2012

Genre: Anime/fantasy

Episodes: 64

Special Note: I borrowed it from my library.

Summary: Two brothers search for a way to get their bodies back. Things don’t go as planned.

This is my first anime and it made me so happy. Having read the manga (my review), I think my enjoyment was heightened by seeing the story and all my favorite characters portrayed accurately. You know how adaptations have a reputation for being subpar? This one shatters that pattern. At times it was better than the original.

The story started with one goal and evolved into a much bigger quest but Edward and Alphonse never lost sight of what they’d started out to do. They met many people who helped or hindered their quest in unique ways. And it’s great to see that they weren’t The Chosen Ones but just happened to fit the certain criteria the bad guys needed for their plan.

I don’t know how much is because it’s Japanese, anime or this particular story, but the characters never hid their emotions or reasons for doing things. You knew where everyone stood and what they were trying to achieve. I hate it when I have to question why someone’s behaving a certain way. People aren’t naturally shrouded in mysteries and secrets and it’s nice not to wonder what side people are on.

The people in this show were great. I never got bored when it frequently went to perspectives other than Ed’s or Al’s. People held their own and it’s easy to become invested in their struggles and desires. Trust and loyalty were in abundant supply and lasting bonds were forged as everyone faced big battles or personal growth. Expectations were subverted and consequences resulted in permanent deaths. These people had history and whether through flashbacks or conversations, you felt it.

The trust, loyalty and friendships in this show shined incredibly bright. When someone said, “Hey, you should wait here,” more often than not, they listened. I don’t think there was a single time when someone exercised stupid recklessness and got in the way all in the name of “helping.” People stuck together through tough situations even if they’d previously been enemies.

The love and friendship Ed and Al had for each other was so sweet. They’d do anything to help one another and any doubts they had were quickly quashed. Side note: their toddler selves are the cutest thing ever.

I have to give praise to Izumi’s character for calling herself a housewife, loving and respecting her husband and being a capable fighter but not overshadowing her husband. I don’t think that’s something the Western culture would create and I loved it.

Some of my favorite characters include Ed, Mustang, Hughes, Greed, Alex Armstrong, Hawkeye and the chimeras.

As I mentioned, this was a solid adaptation. In the manga there were backstory bits that came too close to the climax and here they were put earlier and/or condensed to preserve the breakneck finale. Of course everyone looked the same and they even included artistic designs from the manga. This time I enjoyed the battles since I didn’t have to untangle endless black lines and written sound effects. I don’t remember every detail from the manga but I’d say this anime did a mighty fine job.

The music. Wow. I did not expect it to be as good as it was. Dramatic, sad, fun, introspective, it did everything. And some of those opening and closing credits songs had me rocking out on the sofa. Here’s an epic English cover of one of the songs.

May’s voice and a couple of the other kid’s voices were annoying, but overall I thought everyone aligned with their personality and looks.

One fault I noticed was that the music and sound effects at times drowned out the dialogue. Not a big deal except when two people went back and forth with a sound effect to highlight each emotion and it got crowded.

I had a blast watching this show. I think I’ll watch the other version (made before the manga was completed) in a month or so to see the differences.


When Mustang killed Lust, I had the biggest smile on my face. Cauterizing his wound, carving a transmutation circle on his hand and snapping fire at her…that’s on my list for the manliest things I have ever witnessed on a tv show.

Hughes’ death was just as upsetting this time as the first time.

Greed’s sacrifice at the end made a perfect conclusion to his arc.

A few other standout moments:

The chimeras switching sides.

Izumi helping in the final battle but saying she’d leave to foil Father’s plan (you know other “strong” women would’ve stayed regardless).

Mustang refusing to open the portal.

Havoc helping via his general goods store.

Ed busting through the portal door to assure Al of his return.

Seeing the eclipse’s shadow creating the circle to start Hohenheim’s spell.

Everyone pulling together for the final battle.

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